"When I was starting out with MyDay I was acutely aware of the impact that my legal assets would have on our platform. Michelmores were sensitive to the fact that not only was I starting out and value was of prime importance, but secondly how significant every single word was in securing our clients trusts in the digital space.

Client Quote

They delivered in spades and continue to offer value in every facet of my business, offering clients engagement, funding routes and a friendly bit of advice when needed. We are excited about moving forward and growing to create impact being supported by the best in the business."

Client Quote

I’m an Associate in Michelmores’ Commercial team. I advise clients on a wide range of commercial issues, often where there is a technology aspect involved.

I particularly enjoy working with clients making an impact in the ecology, natural capital and sustainability spheres. I spent three months on secondment to our Agriculture team, combining my IT and technology knowledge with my passion for sustainable practices and to benefit Michelmores’ agri-tech offering.

I am proud to be involved with Michelmores’ MiVentures scheme, a programme dedicated to giving extra support to innovative and scaleable businesses to accelerate their growth. Working alongside start-ups not only allows you to create long term relationships but also the opportunity to grow with them and to really understand the ins and outs of a business.

I joined Michelmores in September 2019 and qualified into the Commercial team in 2021.

Recent experience

Advising The Environment Bank, a pioneering business in the biodiversity net gain sector in connection with a range of regulatory matters

Advising a large non-ministerial department on an on-going basis with their day-to-day commercial requirements; including in relation to a nutrient neutrality market that they are creating

Supporting a start-up ride sharing platform on its commercial and IP arrangements

Advising the Landmark Information Group and Landmark Optimus Limited on an on-going basis on a wide range of commercial agreements and product integration