I am a Senior Associate in the Private Property and Landed Estates team at Michelmores. I act for high net-worth individuals, trustees, companies and charities – advising them on landed estate, country house and other high value residential transactions.

Whilst I am based in London, I have a broad range of experience transacting properties across England and Wales.

My clients can expect straightforward, pragmatic and commercially sensible advice in a timely manner.

I joined Michelmores in 2024, having previously worked for a large international firm.

Recent experience

Acting on the purchase of a Grade I listed castle for an international investor. Key issues encountered included breaches of the listed building regime, the fact that the castle was situated on a Scheduled Monument and a disused underground railway line passing through the castle grounds

Advising on the purchase of a significant grouse moor, consisting of 6,500 acres, sporting rights over a further 2,000 acres, five let farms and 11 residential properties. The purchase involved complicated advice on the application of a Countryside Stewardship Scheme between landowner, sporting operator and tenant farmers and the future responsibilities of each

Assisting a US based investor in the purchase of a significant working farm in Oxfordshire for in excess of £20 million, and thereafter providing long-term legal support to the investor, including advising on future lending and security arrangements

Leading on the sale of a significant country house in excess of £20 million. Exchange of contracts was secured within the required 10 working day timescale

Acting on the purchase of a country estate in the New Forest National Park for just under £10 million. My advice included commentary on a number of farming and commercial tenancies, listed building issues and access rights. In order to fund the purchase I also assisted the client with a new mortgage over their London property