Will the new Government fix the planning system and enable 1.5m homes to be delivered in this parliamentary term? How will the BNG and Nutrient Neutrality regimes affect housing delivery?

Join us for the next Michelmores’ Planning Primer seminar in association with the LPDF (Land Planning and Development Federation) on Wednesday 9 October with keynote speakers:

  • Lord Charlie Banner KC, leading Planning and Environmental silk at Keating Chambers. Appointed to the House of Lords in 2024 as a working peer, sitting as a legislator in the upper house of the UK Parliament. Lord Banner is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Groups for Housing, Custom & Self-Build Housebuilding, and the Private Rental Sector.
  • Steve Quartermain CBE, former Chief Planner at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, led the last set of major changes to the English planning system and so is well placed to comment on the current proposals. Steve is a well known expert in the development world and acts as a strategic advisor to a number of organisations including Town Legal and LPDF.
  • Helen Hutton, Partner, Planning and Environmental Law at Michelmores. Helen is an experienced planning and environmental solicitor, who, alongside her development and other work, is heavily involved in Natural Capital planning matters and is at the cutting edge of this evolving area.
  • Fergus Charlton, Partner, Planning Law at Michelmores. Fergus is an experienced planning lawyer, who is involved in all aspects of development for clients in the energy sector, local and national governments, private house builders and social housing providers.

The event will be chaired by Paul Brocklehurst, Chairman of the LPDF. Paul will also provide a brief introduction to the LPDF.

Our four leading Planning & Environmental speakers will cover:

  • Labour’s proposed changes to the current planning regime and whether those changes are likely to deliver 1.5m homes in this parliamentary term;
  • Issues which would prevent Labour achieving its housing agenda;
  • The existing BNG and Nutrient Neutrality regimes; and
  • Whether Natural Capital requirements will affect housing delivery.

The seminar will end with a panel discussion between our four keynote speakers where there will be a chance for delegates to raise questions for the panel members’ response.



As well as the chance to network before the seminar starts, attendees are invited to stay on afterwards for drinks and canapés to discuss the issues arising with Michelmores lawyers, keynote speakers and fellow delegates.

Who should attend:

This event will be of interest to planners, developers, housebuilders, local councils, land agents, property consultants, and other industry professionals.

Please contact us at events@michelmores.com with any questions about this event.


15.30 | Arrival for cake, tea, coffee and networking

16:00 | Seminar starts

18:00 | Networking with drinks and canapés

19:00 | Event close