Blank billboard at bus station

Some majestic reminders in preparation for the Coronation

King Charles III’s Coronation is fast approaching, and it is not surprising that marketers are tempted to spark their ads with some royal references!

When the country is not celebrating a Coronation, there are some strict rules that need to be followed when it comes to the Royal Family; knowing these rules will help your ad and brand avoid a trip to the Tower!

Permission, permission, kingly permission

  • Members of the Royal Family should not normally be shown or mentioned in a marketing communication without their prior permission[1].

What can you do?

  • In the context of the Coronation, the ASA’s guidance suggests:
  • incidental or generic references such as “Congratulations, Your Majesty” might be acceptable.
  • Moreover, the Lord Chamberlain’s office has produced guidance for the production of Coronation souvenirs which states:
  • The King and The Queen Consort have been pleased to approve that the rules governing the commercial use of Royal Photographs and Official Insignia may be temporarily relaxed to allow their use on souvenirs marking the Coronation.
  • Therefore, we are advising clients to get into the spirit of Coronation over the next few weeks and have some fun with souvenirs and promotions all centred on the Coronation Bank Holiday weekend by holding Coronation themed events which follow the Lord Chamberlain’s guidance.

After the Coronation and more generally

  • Once the temporary relaxation has ended, remember:
  • The Royal Arms, similar emblems and the Royal Crown may not be used on articles for sale, unless prior permission has been granted by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office.
  • Names of the Royal Family may not be registered as a trade mark without the consent of The King or the relevant Member of the Royal Family.
  • A trade Mark that consists or contains, among other things, a representation of the Royal crown or any Royal flags, a representation of the King or any member of the Royal Family or any words, letters or devices likely to lead persons to think that the applicant either has or recently has had Royal patronage or authorisation, shall not be registered, unless consent has been given by or on behalf of the Royal Family[2].

Therefore, make sure to know the relevant Advertising Standard Authority’s rules, the relevant Trade Mark provisions and to consult the Lord Chamberlain’s Office guidance.

[1] Rule 6.2 of the CAP code

[2] S.4(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1994

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