Second Seat: Agricultural Property Litigation

Second Seat: Agricultural Property Litigation

So what has changed since my last post ‘Common questions from law fairs’… well a lot actually.

As I am sure you have gathered from the other posts, Final Seat – Clinical Negligence and From Bristol to Exeter, by my colleagues we have recently rotated seats. Now for me this switch was more than just changing floors, it has involved a complete change of scenery to a new office. My second seat is within the Agricultural Property Litigation team which is located within our Bristol office. The team acts for a range of clients from landowners/tenants of farming land to banks and other lenders who provide finance to farmers/farming businesses.

Albeit it still being early days within this seat, the variety and quality of work that my supervisor, Viv Williams, has got me involved with is already second to none. I have within my first month been to the Court of Appeal at the RCJ, been involved with numerous applications in the Chancery Division here in Bristol and have helped prepare for a mediation. I have also rushed down the M5 to Somerset to visit a farm in order to speak to the clients and obtain some documentation. Now not being from a farming background this seat has brought about its own unique challenges, namely getting to grips with some of the farming terminology … lets just say this time last month I would not have been as comfortable discussing the varying yields from dairy cows.

On a side note I have not previously lived in Bristol and I must say the City is great, really fun with an abundance of restaurants, live music venues and generally things to do which has made moving cities that much easier.


So overall I am thoroughly enjoying my time both in the Bristol office and within the seat itself; the view from my desk overlooking the river is also a much welcomed addition.

Broad Quay

Lastly, I know we are coming up to the dreaded Training Contract application period so best of luck to everyone applying. If you have any questions or queries please do ask away in the comments.